Languages @cleverBotanics: We are gradually building the following language version of the shop to provide localised essential static content. However, the shop itself will remain in English. This is because of the complexities associated with Stock Control and Payment Gateway restrictions. Here are the languages we will cover during Autumn 2019.

Spanish: Haga clic aquí para visitar, el hogar de las flores de cáñamo y productos orgánicos y, donde sea posible, veganos que se producen con ética y son de alta calidad para los clientes de habla hispana.

German: Bitte klicken Sie hier, um zu besuchen, die Heimat von biologischen und wenn möglich veganen CBD-Hanfblumen und Produkten, die für deutschsprachige Kunden ethisch hergestellt und von hoher Qualität sind.

Italian: Clicca qui per visitare la casa del biologico e dove possibile, vegan CBD Canapa Fiori e prodotti che sono prodotti eticamente e di alta qualità per i clienti di lingua italiana.

Sweden: Vänligen klicka här för att besöka hem för ekologiska och där det är möjligt, veganer CBD Hemp Flowers & produkter som är etiskt producerade och av hög kvalitet för svensktalande kunder.

France: Cliquez ici pour visiter, la ville des fleurs et produits de chanvre CBD bio et, si possible, végétaliens, produits de manière éthique et de grande qualité pour les clients francophones.

Netherland:  Klik hier voor een bezoek aan, het huis van biologische en waar mogelijk, veganistische CBD-hennepbloemen en -producten die ethisch zijn geproduceerd en van hoge kwaliteit voor Nederlandstalige klanten.

Poland:  Kliknij tutaj, aby odwiedzić stronę internetową - domu organicznych i, w miarę możliwości, wegańskich kwiatów konopi CBD i produktów, które są etycznie produkowane i wysokiej jakości dla klientów mówiących po polsku.

Communities: The community is a term that seems to be over-used. BUT when you don’t have it in your life, it’s noticeable. When you have it, and the power of community has touched you, you know it can be helpful and meaningful.

If you have a complex issue that needs quick answers from like-minded people that have similar issues, it can help to have a place to ask those questions. We advise you to take part in engaging conversations about the topics that are relevant to the concept of CBD and how they are used or you just want to know if anyone else has had a simmilar problem and the products that has helped them. Hear from people around the world who have been in your shoes and had the knowledge, experience – and are generously sharing it.

Getting help in the local languages: There are a number of great groups on Facebook that we encourage you to join. Just log in to your Facebook and Explore Groups by searching for CBD and Hemp and join the groups that have a large number of users or are relevant to your needs or jurisdiction.

Please do let us know if you know of ones outside the mainstream and we will list them here for users by completing the feedback form below.